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斯科特V. 马斯顿是心理学的助理教授, Public Policy, and 法律 PhD 程序 at the Virtual 校园 of Alliant International University (AIU) and the Clinical 心理学 PsyD 程序 at the 加州职业心理学院 of AIU, 萨克拉门托.

Scott has been teaching graduate and undergraduate research methods and statistics courses for two decades at various institutions, including AIU, William Jessup University, 萨克拉门托 City College, and 加州 State University (CSU), 萨克拉门托.

He has a multidisciplinary background, with an Injury Epidemiology PhD from the University of North Carolina (UNC), 教堂山和实验心理学硕士, 萨克拉门托. 结果是, he is skilled in a diverse array of statistical techniques including ARIMA time series analysis, logistic regression, Cox比例风险生存分析, generalized linear modeling, factor analysis, ANOVA/MANOVA covariate models, non-parametric techniques, meta-analysis, power analysis, 以及心理测量的信度和效度.

He also has two decades of applied research and program evaluation experience from working at the Hospital Quality Institute, 加州公共卫生部艾滋病办公室, the UNC Highway Safety Research Center, and the Research and Development Branch of the 加州 Department of Motor Vehicles, along with consulting work for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the National Institutes of Health, the National Safety Council, 疾病控制和预防中心, 以及其他公共和私人组织.

Professional Interests
  • Unintended Consequences
  • Hospital Quality
  • Patient Safety
  • 酒后驾车
  • Motor Vehicle Crashes
  • 青少年司机
  • Infectious Disease
  • 朊病毒
  • Psychometrics
教育 and Certifications
  • Epidemiology PhD (Injury Prevention), University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
  • 心理学硕士(实验),加州州立大学萨克拉门托
  • 心理学学士,加州州立大学,萨克拉门托
  • Research Methods & Statistics I/II
  • Forensic 程序 Evaluation
  • Data Analysis, Research Design & 程序 Evaluation I/I
  • Advanced Statistics I/II
  • 社会科学研究统计
  • 社会科学研究方法
  • Foundations of Psychological Research I
  • Methods of 心理学
  • 心理学研究方法导论
  • 马斯腾空间,年代. V.托马斯·F. D.科尔贝拉克,K. T.派克,R. C., & 过于,R. D. (2015, November). “毕业驾驶执照法的元分析.(报告编号. DOT HS 812 211). 华盛顿特区:国家公路交通安全管理局.
  • 查普曼,E.A., Oulad Daoud, S., & 马斯腾空间,年代.V. (2015). "General Deterrent Evaluation of the Ignition Interlock Pilot 程序 in 加州 (Report No. 247).加州萨克拉门托:机动车辆管理局.
  • 查普曼,E.A.,马斯顿,S.V., & 布朗宁,K.K. (2014). "Crash and traffic violation rates before and after licensure for novice 加州 drivers subject to different driver licensing requirements." Journal of Safety Research, 50, 125–138.
  • 马斯腾空间,年代.V.查普曼,E.A., Atkinson, D.B., & 布朗宁,K.K. (2014). "Non-compliance with graduated driver licensing (GDL) requirements: Changes in GDL-related conviction rates over time among 16–17-year-old 加州 drivers." Accident Analysis and Prevention, 72, 230–243.
  • 帕里什,K.E., & 马斯腾空间. (2014). "The problem of suspended and revoked drivers who avoid detection at checkpoints." Traffic Injury Prevention, 16(2), 1–7.
  • 马斯腾空间,年代.V., & Guenzburger, G.V. (2014). “12个美国司机大麻素流行率的变化.S. 各州在实施医用大麻法后." Journal of Safety Research, 50, 35–52.
  • Limrick K.J., & 马斯腾空间,年代.V. (2014). "Randomized trial of an official contact letter intended to increase proper licensure among unlicensed motorcycle owners." Transportation Research Part F: Traffic 心理学 and Behaviour, 23, 165–172.
  • 马斯腾空间,年代.V., & 派克,R.C. (2013). "Problem driver remediation: A meta-analysis of the driver improvement literature (reprint)." 安全研究杂志" 100年" 35, 667–690.
  • 马斯腾空间,年代.V.、自由/开源软件R.D., & 马歇尔,年代.W. (2013). "研究生d driver licensing component calibrations and their association with fatal crash involvement." Accident Analysis and Prevention, 57, 105–113.
  • O ' brien N.P.福斯,R.D.古德温,A.H., & 马斯腾空间,年代.V. (2012). "Supervised hours requirements in graduated driver licensing: Effectiveness and parental awareness." Accident Analysis and Prevention, 50, 330–335.
  • Tashima H.N., & 马斯腾空间,年代.V. (2012). "Factors associated with variation in DUI conviction rates among 加州 counties (Report No. 235).加州萨克拉门托:机动车辆管理局.
  • 马斯腾空间,年代.V.、自由/开源软件R.D., & 马歇尔,年代.W. (2011). "研究生d driver licensing and fatal crashes involving 16- to 19-year-old drivers." 美国医学协会杂志, 306(10), 1098–1103.
  • 马斯腾空间,年代.V., & 自由/开源软件R. (2010). "Long-term effect of the North Carolina graduated driver licensing system on licensed driver crash incidence: A 5-year survival analysis." Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42, 1647–1652.
  • Zegeer C.V., 过于,R., Henderson, D.,马斯顿,S.V., Marchetti, L.李维,M.M.范,Y.桑特,L.布朗,A., Stutts, J., & 托马斯,我. (2008). “迈阿密-戴德行人安全示范项目评价”." Transportation Research Record, 2073, 1–10. DOI: 10.3141/2073-01.
  • 马斯腾空间,年代.V. (2007). "Do states upgrading to primary enforcement of safety belt laws experience increased daytime and nighttime belt use?" Accident Analysis and Prevention, 39, 1131–1139.
  • 马戈利斯,.H.,马斯顿,S.V., & 自由/开源软件,R.D. (2007). "The effects of graduated driver licensing on hospitalization rates and charges for 16 and 17 year-olds in North Carolina." Traffic Injury Prevention, 8, 35–38.
  • 马歇尔,年代., Richardson, D., & 马斯腾空间,年代.V. (2006). "Estimating the size of the older workforce: A pilot study to precede the modeling of trends in fatal occupational injury in older workers: Final Report.亚特兰大,乔治亚州:国家职业安全与健康研究所.
  • 马斯腾空间,年代.V., Stutts, J.C., & 马爹利,C.A. (October 2006). "Predicting daytime and nighttime drowsy driving crashes based on crash characteristic models." 50th Annual Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, Chicago, IL.
  • DeYoung D.J.田岛,H.N., & 马斯腾空间,年代.V. (2005). “加州点火联锁的有效性评估. 在P. R. 品牌(Ed.) Alcohol Ignition Interlock Devices Volume II: Research, Policy, and 程序 Status 2005."国际酒精和交通安全理事会.
  • 马斯腾空间,年代.V., & 查普曼,E.A. (2004). "The effectiveness of home-study driver education compared to classroom instruction: The impact on student knowledge and attitudes." Traffic Injury Prevention, 5, 117–121.
  • 马斯腾空间,年代.V., & Hagge R.A. (2004). “对加州毕业驾照项目的评估." Journal of Safety Research, 35, 523–535.
  • 马斯腾空间,年代.V., & 派克,R.C. (2004). "Problem driver remediation: A meta-analysis of the driver improvement literature." Journal of Safety Research, 35, 403–425.
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