

Starting your doctoral program brings with it plenty of exciting new questions. 例如,你要上什么课? 你的论文将集中在哪个研究领域? 你将有机会与哪些著名的教师一起工作? 毕业后你会从事什么样的职业?

你可能在思考的另一个问题是:博士生有薪水吗? 的 answer can look different depending on your unique financial situation, 你的学校, 以及你选择的学习课程. 而博士生一般不会拿传统的薪水, there are a number of ways they may be able to financially sustain themselves while earning their degree, 比如追求带薪奖学金, 有偿研究机会, 或者兼职或自由职业. 

Read on to learn the different ways you might earn money as a PhD candidate.


One of the most common ways that PhD students may be able to earn money while completing their degree is by working as a teaching assistant, 或助教. Teaching assistants may be paid either through the Federal Work-Study program (as part of an overall financial aid package) or through institutional funds. 

Working as a teaching assistant can be an excellent way to get hands-on experience in the classroom, which may be helpful if you plan on going into the world of academia after graduation. 作为助教, you’ll have the chance to work alongside experienced professors and deepen your own knowledge through pedagogy.

作为助教, 你的职责可能包括:1

  • 评估和评分论文和考试
  • 监督和观察考试
  • 主持研讨会和讨论
  • 课后与学生会面寻求帮助
  • Assisting the professor with any administrative work or research related to the course


Many PhD programs require candidates to complete fieldwork or research as part of their coursework. 根据你学习的内容,这可能包括:

  • 在临床环境中与客户进行监督工作
  • 野外或实验室的研究
  • 档案工作
  • 教授或研究人员的助理工作 

其中一些项目也可以付费, but it’s important to keep in mind that these stipends are considered taxable income.

你也可以考虑申请有偿研究奖学金. 的se fellowships can provide financial support while also encouraging PhD candidates to gain experience in underserved or understudied areas of research. 例如, the American Psychological Association offers several different fellowships for doctoral candidates through its minority fellowship program, 包括:2

  • 精神健康和药物滥用服务博士奖学金 – A doctoral fellowship that focuses on culturally competent training in behavioral health services for minority populations.
  • 过渡年龄青年团契服务 – A doctoral fellowship that provides training in mental health services for ethnic youth between the ages of 16 and 25.
  • 不同学者的领导力和教育发展计划 – A mentorship and development program that focuses on building research and leadership skills in early-career scientists.
  • 跨学科少数民族奖学金计划 – A program aimed at increasing the number of minority mental health providers while also improving mental health care for racial and ethnic minorities with mental or substance abuse disorders.

Research fellowships or teaching assistantships are more than just a way to pursue earning extra income– they’re also a great opportunity for building connections and earning hands-on experience that may serve you well once you’ve begun your career.


While you most likely won’t have the time (or the mental energy) for a full-time job as a PhD student, you might be interested in pursuing part-time or freelance work that can more easily fit into your schedule.

找兼职工作的时候, it’s important to consider work that you can easily balance against your rigorous coursework and study schedule. It’s also important to make sure you can still reserve time for yourself to relax and recharge. 

Some examples of part-time or freelance jobs that might be a flexible fit for a PhD student’s busy lifestyle include:

  • 自由写作或平面设计 
  • 为Uber或Lyft等拼车服务开车
  • 当调酒师、侍应生或咖啡师
  • 针对需求领域的私人辅导,比如SAT预备课程或语言课程
  • 当保姆或保姆
  • 遛狗或看家
  • 校内职位,比如图书馆职员
  • 远程职位,比如数据录入或客户服务
  • 能让你追求现有激情的工作, 比如在Etsy上卖艺术品,或者教健身课


虽然你可能拿不到传统的博士生薪水, there are still a number of avenues that you can pursue to earn money and gain new experiences. Whether you choose to spend time in the world of academia as a teaching assistant, 在实验室做研究的时候, 或者兼职工作, 你可以选择一些方法来增加收入.

在阿连特国际大学, 我们理解学生们忙于追求收入, 还有教育. 这就是为什么我们提供一些灵活的博士学位课程, 这样你就可以在继续工作的同时继续学业了. 如果你有兴趣了解更多,不要等待今天就申请有关Alliant项目的信息!


  1.  研究生助教职位描述、薪酬|弹性教育者.“ResilientEducator. 2020. http://resilienteducator.com/teaching-careers/graduate-teaching-assist..。. 于2022年1月30日生效.
  2.  心理学奖学金和项目.“APA. 2021. http://www.美国Psychology协会.org/pi/mfp/psychology. 于2022年1月30日生效.
  3.  西姆斯,C., 2021. “我的11份兼职工作让我成为了一名更好的博士生.“自然. 2021年1月13日. http://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-00089-w. 于2022年1月30日生效.




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